5 crazy ways of raising a little reader

I have a young reader at home who has started reading short and simple stories independently. He never wants to miss his reading time which is twice a day, once at bedtime at night and another after waking up in the morning, barring one exception and that is when he is spending time with his grandparents.

There has been quite a many times when he is tired at night with drooping eyes and I ask him to stop reading after a page or 2 but he insists on finishing the whole story first and then sleeping. However, this does not mean he dozes off as soon as he closes the book since what follows next is another few minutes of book discussion and Q&As. There are days when my ‘factory of answers’ gets locked out by 8 pm. On such days the Q&A time at bedtime becomes a drag for me. Still his exuberance for books and reading fills me with delight and gratitude.

He is soon going to be 5 years in a couple of months and it has been a fulfilling experience, the efforts for which started at the time when he was 10 months old.

First of all, let me tell you it has not been easy for me, especially, when I am surrounded by non-readers in my family  and these are people who do not appreciate time spent in reading and call it lazing around. Lazing and watching TV is the highly accepted norm. I have been asked, cajoled and pressurized several times to give up on my act of reading books and concentrate solely on fueling Dhruv’s body because he is thin, skinny and all that. Fueling one’s mind, who needs that? Well, these people also wanted me to give up blogging for the same reasons but who listens to them. Thick skinned, you may call it.

So, how did I do?

Definitely, regular reading and spending time in libraries and bookstores played the important role. But, since I am surrounded by normal and sane people, I had to create my own mad and crazy ways to keep my love for reading alive and to kindle the same emotion in Dhruv. Here are my 5 crazy ways which have played an equally important role in instilling love for books and reading in Dhruv –

  • Letting mine and his books remaining scattered around the house at all times. I have always been particular about tidying away the toys and shutting them in boxes after play, but never ever tidying away the books in the book shelves. Infact, I did not have a book shelf in my house for a long long time. I was happy with the books strewn on the couch, the window sills, the bed side tables and many a times even on the kitchen counter. Turn your head in any direction and behold the sight of books in your eyes and heart. What a bliss!
Image Source – Pixabay
  •  Every time the courier guy rings the doorbell, it calls for a celebration shriek and a jig to welcome the new book in the house. The whole event is over-hyped with lots of excitement and Dhruv’s first question being “Is it my book or yours?” and no his excitement does not cease with the knowledge that the book is not for him. After all, we are one in our ‘bookhood’ (yep, I made that word up). Promptly, the packaging is cut off, the book is taken out and the sweet smell of the pages of the book  is sniffed which provides us the ecstasy similar to that of a drug addict. Crazy, I told you.
Image Source – Pixabay
  • Dropping in random references to the lines and stories from the books read, in the midst of everyday mundane and interesting conversations. The stories and characters spill out of the books and become a part of us. While watching a bull fight on TV, we name the bull ‘Ferdinand’ and start looking for someone with flowers on hats in the scene (The story of Ferdinand by Munro leaf) or when asking Dhruv for the nth time to behave in the library, I ask him to roar like a lion and be kicked out of the library (The Library Lion by Michelle Knudsen) or the times talking about thieves, naming every thief as ‘Zot’ (The Colour Thief by Gabriel Alborozo).


  • Once in a few days, waking up in the morning and declaring it to be the ‘Reading Day’ meaning I will be perched in some corner of the house for the whole day reading away. The occurrence of ‘Reading Day’ does not coincide with a Poornima (Full moon) or Amavasya (New Moon) or Karva Chauth (why did I mention it, I don’t know) but actually when I reach the middle of the plot and the story turns super interesting, in short when the book becomes simply unputdownable. (The grammer prompt of wordpress asks me if I really want to use this word ‘unputdownable’ because it suggests correction for it as ‘unpardonable’.) Besides me, on such a day, sits Dhruv with all his books pulled out of his book shelf and scattered around, reading and figuring out the words and frequently prodding me to help him read a difficult word. Bread, butter & jam, milk and salad stay on the menu this day.
  • Discussing what he is going to read when he becomes a big boy of 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10. Centre anything around being a big boy and it is sure to catch his attention and imagination. He knows the other big boys by the names Tom Sawyer, Huckleberry Finn and Swamy (Malgudi days) are waiting for him to join them in their adventures and then there is Alice and Anne Shirley too. I give him the details of the characters from the books I am reading at a particular moment and update him every now and then about how the plot is moving in my book. It helps because I read children’s literature most of the times.

Okay, the 5th one was not clearly a crazy one because despite all the craziness I am an intelligent person too and I had to show it off in some way.

If you know me, you must be chuckling either ways.

Linking this post to #MondayMusings hosted by Corinne Rodrigues and Literacy Musings Monday

#Monday Musings


25 thoughts on “5 crazy ways of raising a little reader

  1. Ah.. it does take a lot of effort to get someone to read in a household full of non-readers. But, he gets a friend for life. Good work.


  2. I loved them. Your ideas are super duper. I think I can borrow some of them for the kids even though they are older. And no they’re not crazy at all.


  3. You are doing a fantastic job, Anamika, so hats off to you for braving the odds and going against your grain and still doing it! The idea of declaring a reading day sounds great to me as you cannot be in two places at the same time – got to be either the kitchen or the living. I’d love to do that too except that in my household, nobody will accept it if I declare bread butter and jam to be the menu for the day. They are all foodies I tell you…I am blessed that at the very least I am able to get them to have toasts for breakfast. 😛 Carry on the good work and enjoy these precious moments with Dhruv! Who says raising a reader is an easy job? I’ve got one here too…It is wonderful to reap the benefits of your hard work as they grow older!!


  4. Your ideas are not crazy but super awesome. You are doing a fab job of making your child love and appreciate books. May the ‘bookhood’ grow and prosper a lot in your home! Cheers ♥


  5. Loved reading your post. You are doing a fantastic job in raising your eager, inquisitive reader in the best way possible. As a mother is perhaps the best thing you can inculcate in him now…as the years go, you will enjoy the benefits of having a voracious reader at home! I know coz I have one too…we too have books in every room of our house…and all we want to do is visit bookstores…I love the idea of having ‘reading’ days…wish I could implement it too…sounds too good to me 🙂 And, do make the most of your ‘us-time’ with Dhruv before studies rush in to fill in that joyful space that story books have quietly made over the years 🙂


  6. I love your reading day idea. I hope you will share this informational post at Literacy Musing Mondays this week. I know my readers will enjoy it too.


  7. You’ve got some great ideas here. It must be hard when so many around you are non readers. Reading opens up so many worlds for us. I am thankful for my dad who set the example for reading for us. We went to the library every week and he always encouraged us. And I’ve passed on his love of reading to my kids and they are passing it on to their kids! So it’s a win for reading! 🙂 I’m visiting from Literacy Musing Mondays!

    Liked by 1 person

  8. Anamika! This post despite it being a parenting post (and I do not have a kid still 🙂 ) was such a happy one. It made me smile, even make mental notes. I am so glad I came across this one 🙂 Oh I am jealous of Dhruv and his mother now 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  9. Stopping by from the blog hop to say hello. Love how much fun you make reading and #2 was my fave.


  10. Ahh thank you for these tips, Anamika..I too want to raise my daughter as a reader for I truly believe that a person with the love for reading is certainly better equipped at life than one who isn’t…I may be wrong but then there’s no harm in loving to read and teaching your child to do just that..


  11. Seems like all your tips and little ‘nudges’ have worked well, Anamika.
    When my son was about a year old, I tried to encourage him to touch and feel those story books that they have – but he just refused to do it point blank. But I guess they also learn from all of us around them; for now, he loves to read books – though he doesn’t still read it fully, and wants us to narrate the story to them, i love the questions that follow and the way they ‘adopt’ the story to suit their mood and mindset.
    Handy little tips, Anamika.

    Liked by 1 person

  12. Reblogged this on Nappy Tales and Me and commented:
    Reading is a dying skill and interest especially in printed form. But readings essential to learning and no amount of on line reading can replace the thrill of opening a new book, savouring the smell of paper and ink before settling down to taking each word one page at a time. However, with most babies now being brought up on iPads , iPhones and lap tops , we caregivers must make special effort to make our little ones read a real book.
    Anamika Agnihotri shows us how she reared areader


  13. Hi Anamika, so happy to have found you via nappy tales and me. I share so many of these views on reading. My kids are allowed 30 minutes of ipad only on lucky Sundays. I am proud to say they spend more time with books. 🙂 My local library is very close by and we visit it every 3-4 days. And we read aloud every night. The best part about having a child is to be able to read kids books all over again!!

    #AtoZChallenge- N is for Naming the baby

    Liked by 1 person

    1. The same goes for me too Seena. I went through the list of the posts you have done for A to Z challenge and I found them quite interesting. I know I have to go through all of them now.
      The best part about having a child is indeed about getting to read kids books. In my case, my reading world has expanded manifolds beyond what I have read in my childhood thanks to the exposure to International works.


  14. Loved this post, Anamika. I am a reader so Enjoyed your tips on how to deal with a family of non-readers. Fortunately for me, my family of four has three readers and one non-reader( hubby). Not really non-reader, for he reads all his WhatsApp group posts but no paper books except newspapers. I am a fiction person- love your mention of Anne Shirley. Am a fellow fan. I am trying to get into Sue Grafton books now.
    Please share list of your favorite authors in another post.


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