Franky and the gift of fantasy : Book spotlight tour


Book Details :

Book Title : Frankie and the Gift of Fantasy by Ruthy Ballard

Category: Middle-Grade Fiction ( Ages 8-12), 260 pages

Genre: Fantasy and Magic

Publisher: WhipSmart Books

Release date: June 16, 2020 (ebook); October 1, 2020 (print)

Tour dates: August 3 to August 14, 2020

Content rating: G

Book Trailer

Book Description:

Frankie Russo doesn’t brood about the past or worry about the future. He lives in the present moment, frolicking in a world of make-believe that drives his high-achieving parents crazy. They have lofty ambitions for him, but Frankie has no interest. He prefers to flip helium burgers on Jupiter or rule a kingdom of mermen in the Caspian Sea, up inside his head, where all the fun is. Frankie’s parents nag him endlessly, worried he’ll come to nothing. But all that changes when he disappears through a mysterious crack in his bedroom ceiling and finds himself on a distant, two-mooned planet called Urth. Why was he drawn there? He doesn’t know, but as he embarks on a delightful, mind-blowing adventure, Frankie’s desperate parents think he’s been abducted, and an innocent man is arrested and charged with the crime! On the surface, Frankie and the Gift of Fantasy is a lighthearted science-rich adventure story that takes its middle grade readers on an entertaining romp to the other side of the galaxy. But the undercurrent is one of discovery and redemption, where a ten-year-old boy, through an unexpected journey, finds a way to escape his parent’s stifling shadow and emerge into a future of his own choosing.

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Meet the Author:

Author Ruthy Ballard

Ruthy Ballard is a children’s book author, artist, and scientist who lives in Sacramento, California. By day, she’s “Dr. Ruth Ballard,” a professor and forensic DNA expert. By night, she romps in an imaginative playground of colors and words. Ruthy is the author of Frankie and the Gift of Fantasy and Tales by Moons-Light: Stories from Before the Great Melt. She is currently working on the third book in her Tales by Moons-light series: Elvia and the Gift of Passion. Her entertaining stories lure middle grade readers into science, but her creative ventures don’t stop there. She’s also a folk artist whose colorful “cartoons” delight and inspire both children and adults. Ruthy is married to a musician and is the mother of two sons, three cats, and a Samoyed dog named Mush, all of whom appear in her work, in various guises, from time to time.

connect with author:  website  ~  facebook  ~  goodreads

Tour Schedule:

Aug 3 – Splashes of Joy – book spotlight / giveaway
Aug 3 – Locks, Hooks and Books – book spotlight / giveaway
Aug 4 –Book Paradise – book spotlight / giveaway
Aug 4 – Pick a Good Book – book spotlight / giveaway
Aug 5 –Books, Tea, Healthy Me – book spotlight / giveaway
Aug 5 – Library of Clean Reads – book spotlight / giveaway
Aug 6 –Jazzy Book Reviews – book spotlight / giveaway
Aug 7 – Book Corner News and Reviews – book spotlight / giveaway
Aug 7 – Hall Ways Blog – book spotlight / giveaway
Aug 7 – Writer with Wanderlust – book spotlight / giveaway
Aug 10 – The Book View – book spotlight / giveaway
Aug 11 – Pen Possessed – book spotlight / giveaway
Aug 11 – The Bespectacled Mother – book spotlight
Aug 12 – Sarah Says – book spotlight / giveaway
Aug 13 – Haddie’s Haven – book spotlight / giveaway
Aug 13 – Reading Authors Network – book spotlight / giveaway
Aug 13 – Literary Flits – book spotlight / giveaway
Aug 14 – Adventurous Bookworm – book spotlight / giveaway

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